Wed, Aug 16, 23.

Hebrews Overview (03)

  1. Jesus will render unemployed/idle/useless, the one who holds the power of death [Heb 2:14].
    1. This is contrary to the belief that Jesus will annihilate/destroy/kill Satan.
    2. The word translated ‘destroy’ in the verse is ‘katargéō’, means to render something inactive or ineffective
      1. In Luke 13:7, katargéō means to be useless
    3. Jesus helps Abraham’s sons (human beings), not angels [Heb 2:16].
      1. This helps guard against those who believe in eternal reconciliation (i.e., the doctrine that God is reconciling Satan and other devils to Himself, along with humans).
      2. The doctrine of eternal reconciliation is derived from a misinterpretation of [Colossians 1:20]
    4. Jesus’ is a compassionate High Priest, as He deals compassionately with the Ignorant and the wayward [Heb 5:1-2].
      1. These are the same reasons why God rejected Israel in the wilderness; ignorance and waywardness (planáō) [Heb 3:10]
      2. It’s not for those who miss the way continually
        1. God says they ‘always’ go astray. This means that our High Priest deals compassionately with those who don’t continually go astray [Heb 3:10]
        2. The same Hebrews say those who persist in sin will not have cover for their sins [Heb 6:4-8]
      3. He deals with the ignorant by teaching them. He doesn’t leave them in ignorance
        1. The Messenger who finds atonement for a man, does so - not only by pleading on his behalf - but also by teaching him what is right for him [Job 33:31-28].
        2. Jesus’ atonement and intercession cannot be different.
  2. Angels still intercede for us as Christians under the New Covenant.
    1. Angels behold the Father’s face [Mat18:10] not to exchange pleasantries, but obviously to intercede on our behalf
    2. Angels who minister to those who will inherit salvation [Heb 1:14].
  3. Over the centuries (since His ascension), Jesus has not just been interceding for the church, but teaching the Church.